Donna Bogosto Kearns

May 31, 2015
by dbkstudio

The Best Laid Plans

plan aI have been working on a project, a book titled The Joymaker Garden, and I have been having a hard time staying on task. It’s a very personal project (more info on that later) and maybe that’s why it’s so difficult, but I needed to find a vehicle to help me to stay motivated and focused. I’m very good at sorting paper clips so I had an idea. I remembered a book, Make Something 365 by Noah Scalin. The basic concept is to choose a subject, visit it daily for 365 days and document your work. You can grow your creativity, stay focused on your theme or do with it what you will but truly examine your subject. It can be broken down however you choose and I chose to photograph a garden throughout the seasons, 365 days, to stay focused on my priority, the book. The Joymaker Garden is a book that relates the life of a very special child to the seasons of a garden so one year seems like an appropriate time frame.

Enter the best laid plan. My plan was to take my daily photographs and then post in a weekly slideshow format. I can’t figure out how to make that slideshow happen so instead of turning this into a paper clip project, here are some of my favorite photos from this past week. And yes, even though this has been a very busy “life week”, I’ve finally gotten back to work on the primary project – The Joymaker Garden. Thanks for visiting, wish me luck, and maybe I’ll come and take some photos of your garden while I’m working on this project.

may_25  may_26  may_27  may_28  may_29  may_30  may_31

May 8, 2015
by dbkstudio


weedsGardens need to be tended and fed to grow and be healthy; just like us. If we leave them too long without caring for them, weeds pop up – pretty quickly, and BOOM, all those pretty flowers don’t have the space to bloom. They get choked out or they go dormant. The same happens with people and families. We have to love each other AND ourselves in order to grow and bloom. It takes work. Yep, that’s my shadow in my “weed bed”. I haven’t nurtured my garden or my muse for much too long. The why is a long story but the important part is it’s time to clean up and make space for my beautiful flowers. Have you hugged someone you love? Given yourself an atta girl? Nurtured your muse? Give somebody a hug, pat yourself on the back and give your muse an extra drink of water and watch and see how beautifully you are rewarded.

May 1, 2015
by dbkstudio

It’s spring!!

blooming_dogwood…that is, it’s the first day of spring for me. I’m generally not ready until May 1st because that whole March & April thing just doesn’t work for me. I need the warm sun on my face, a little chill in the breeze, the smell of dirt, and blooming flowers to believe that it’s really here. It stirs my whole being with memories of past springs and plans for this one. It was such a long wait this year but today it’s finally time to wake up from that way too long winter’s nap, time to bloom, and time for rebirth. Get your gettin’ going, examine the landscape, clean those tools, and dig in.

February 28, 2015
by dbkstudio

Such a sad moment

spockI rarely have deep feelings when a celebrity passes. Yes, of course I feel sad for the family, and think of the contributions that person made during his or her life. Some of these are momentous and some easily forgotten. But this time I felt a heaviness when hearing of Leonard Nimoy’s passing. I was flooded with memories, running movies through my mind, mostly smiling, but occasionally crying. After all, to so many, he WAS Spock.  My husband sometimes teases calling me Spock because he’s usually the only one crying during movies.

Most of all, I was so moved by Mr. Nimoy’s final tweet, and so like him, the poet he was: “A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP” So true, so very true.

ps. Yep, I can do the Vulcan salute.