I have been working on a project, a book titled The Joymaker Garden, and I have been having a hard time staying on task. It’s a very personal project (more info on that later) and maybe that’s why it’s so difficult, but I needed to find a vehicle to help me to stay motivated and focused. I’m very good at sorting paper clips so I had an idea. I remembered a book, Make Something 365 by Noah Scalin. The basic concept is to choose a subject, visit it daily for 365 days and document your work. You can grow your creativity, stay focused on your theme or do with it what you will but truly examine your subject. It can be broken down however you choose and I chose to photograph a garden throughout the seasons, 365 days, to stay focused on my priority, the book. The Joymaker Garden is a book that relates the life of a very special child to the seasons of a garden so one year seems like an appropriate time frame.
Enter the best laid plan. My plan was to take my daily photographs and then post in a weekly slideshow format. I can’t figure out how to make that slideshow happen so instead of turning this into a paper clip project, here are some of my favorite photos from this past week. And yes, even though this has been a very busy “life week”, I’ve finally gotten back to work on the primary project – The Joymaker Garden. Thanks for visiting, wish me luck, and maybe I’ll come and take some photos of your garden while I’m working on this project.